School management and teachers

Nina Ulli
Nina Ulli
School Management

Soloist, trained music teacher with long-term additional qualification in the mother tongue method

Violinist Nina Ulli is characterized by her versatility. She performs at home and abroad as a soloist and chamber musician and also teaches children the Suzuki Method with Great Passion. After many years at the Zurich Conservatory Music School with a large violin class, she is the initiator and founder of SwissMusiKids.

Nina Ulli has additional training in music physiology, preschool teaching, music & audiation, supervision, music mind games, nonviolent communication, neurolinguistic programming, digital learning aids and much more.

She works as an expert at numerous music schools and music matures and is regularly invited to attend continuing education courses and lectures at music academies. She is the initiator of StringKidsDays and StringKidsWorkshops Zurich with renowned international Suzuki teachers and is strongly committed to the native language method.

She is the mother of 4 children, whom she teaches homeschooling and violin.

Nina Ulli wants to complete her Suzuki training with the highest level 5 in summer 24.

Roman Strassmann
Roman Strassmann
School Management

musician, trained pedagogue with additional qualification in the mother tongue method, managing director Camerata Cantabile

The violinist Roman Strassmann studied violin and viola at the Zurich Conservatoire and at the Conservatoire in Paris. His lessons are enriched by various additional courses such as music physiology, various practice, digital learning aids and much more. He played as concertmaster and violinist in orchestras in Germany and abroad, including the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra in Norway, in various orchestras in Paris and in the Zurich Chamber Orchestra. In addition to numerous chamber music appearances all over the world, he has performed as a soloist with various orchestras.

After studying cultural management at the ZHaW, Roman Strassmann is managing director of the Camerata Cantabile symphony orchestra and co-head teacher with Nina Ulli at SwissMusiKids.

He teaches his instrument — the violin — with passion using the Suzuki native language method. The focus is on the violin with all its wonderful possibilities, but also with its difficulties. The motto is: “Enjoying music through progress on the violin. Working together on the violin has a positive effect on many areas of life. It is important to me to pick up students where they are in life right now. Holistic lessons that include practice training, performance training, as well as optimal use of one's own body on the violin, are always based on the possibilities and strengths of the students.” Roman Strassmann teaches a large Suzuki class at the Zurich Oberland Music School and at SwissMusiKids.

Roman Strassmann will complete Level 2 of Suzuki training in summer 24.

Ilona Naumova
Ilona Naumova

Ausgebildete Pädagogin mit langjähriger Zusatzqualifikation in der Muttersprachenmethode

Ilona Naumova (*1975) studied violin at the Ural Conservatory in Ekaterinburg in her native Russia. From 1994 to 1998 she worked at the State Opera House in Ekaterinburg. From 1999 she continued her education with Eva Zurbrügg at the Bern University of Music, and from 2001 with Jean Piguet at the Conservatory in La Chaux-de-Fonds. In 2004, Ilona Naumova completed her studies with teaching, orchestral and soloist diplomas.

During her studies, she taught her first students at the Bern Conservatory of Music and attended continuing education courses with Phyllis Young, Gilles Apap and Anna Schmidt.

In 2005, she took part in the Youth Symphony Orchestra's Youth Symphony Orchestra (Konsi Bern) tour under the direction of Ingo Becker as part of the program “Bridges for the Future” as part of the program “Bridges for the Future”.

Since 2013, Ilona Naumova has been concertmaster at the Bernese Music College with whom she has already performed several times as a soloist.

From 2011 to 2016, she studied the Suzuki Method with Agathe Jerie. Since then, she has taught a Suzuki class at the Zurich Oberland Music School in Wetzikon. She regularly takes part in international Suzuki conferences and continuing education courses and teaches in workshops.

Ilona Naumova completed her Suzuki training with the highest level 5.

Lea Frei
Lea Frei

Nachwuchslehrperson, abgeschlossenes Musikstudium, in der Ausbildung der Zusatzqualifikation für die Muttersprachenmethode

Lea Frei began playing the violin at the age of six with Agathe Jerie using the Suzuki method. She moved to Daria Zappa in 2015 and to Christian Barenius at the beginning of 2017. In high school, they attended the musical profile and received violin lessons from Julia Schwob.

She began performing as a duo together with her twin sister Selina Frei at an early age. In 2017 and 2019, they won 1st prize each in the final of the Swiss competition.

In Zurich, they played in the chamber orchestra of the Zurich Conservatory of Music under the direction of P.A. Draganov. She will be playing in SJSO from summer 2020.

From 2018 to 2021 she studied violin in Bern with Prof. Monika Urbaniak and completed her bachelor's degree in summer 2021. She then studied education at the mdw in Vienna with Prof. David Frühwirth and has dedicated herself to Suzuki education (level 2) since 2022.

Since summer 2023, she has been deepening her violin playing at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts with Prof. Daniel Dodds.

Lea Frei has completed the Suzuki level 1 training and is in level 2 training.

Selina Frei
Selina Frei

Young teacher, completed music studies, in the training of an additional qualification for the mother tongue method

Selina Frei begann begann mit sechs Jahren mit dem Geigenspiel mit der Suzuki-Methode. 

Im Sommer 2021 schloss sie den Bachelor of Arts an der Hochschule der Künste Bern in der Klasse von Prof. Monika Urbaniak mit Auszeichnung ab und studierte dann bis 2023 an der Universität der Künste Wien bei Prof. David Frühwirth, wo sie den pädagogischen Bachelor mit Auszeichnung abschloss. Im Jahr 2023 hat sie den CAS in Musikpädagogik Suzuki Methode I abgeschlossen.

In Zürich spielte Selina im Kammerorchester der Musikschule Konservatorium Zürich unter der Leitung von P.A.Draganov. Sie ist aktives Mitglied im Schweizer Jugend Sinfonie Orchester SJSO.

Im Moment studiert sie an der Hochschule Luzern in der Klasse von Prof. Daniel Dodds und bereitet sich auf den Master vor.

Selina Frei hat die Suzuki-Ausbildung Level 1 abgeschlossen und befindet sich in der Ausbildung im Level 2.

Helen Brunner
Helen Brunner
Mentoring and Supervision

UK Director European Suzuki Association (ESA), honorary member of ESA, winner of the Polish Gold Medal for Culture, Teacher of the Year 2016 European String Teachers Association, ESTA Lifetime Achievement Award

Agathe Jerie
Agathe Jerie
Mentoring and Supervision

Lecturer Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences and Teacher Trainer Switzerland, testing expert for mother tongue methods in Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Hungary, France, Italy and Cuba